Liturgical Ministries
For all liturgical ministries listed below, please contact the Parish Office for further information. To register your interest in being involved, please click on the following box. Initial and on-going education and training is provided.
Altar Servers
Altar Servers have a very important part to play, since they are helping the priest on the sanctuary the whole time during Mass. Children, teenagers and adults who have undertaken their First Communion are invited to become Altar Servers.
Altar Servers have a very important part to play, since they are helping the priest on the sanctuary the whole time during Mass. Children, teenagers and adults who have undertaken their First Communion are invited to become Altar Servers.
Altar Society & Washing of Purifiers
The Altar Society ministry and Wash of Purifiers ministry are behind the scenes role which involves looking after the washing of altar linen, washing of purifiers and care of altar vessels.
The Altar Society ministry and Wash of Purifiers ministry are behind the scenes role which involves looking after the washing of altar linen, washing of purifiers and care of altar vessels.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word - Leaders and Helpers
Children’s Liturgy of the Word Leaders and Helpers break open the Word of God to our primary school age children at the Sunday 9.00am Mass on 2nd & 4th Sundays of the month. All materials are provided to conduct this ministry. Parishioners are invited to become Children’s Liturgy of the Word Leaders or Helpers.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word Leaders and Helpers break open the Word of God to our primary school age children at the Sunday 9.00am Mass on 2nd & 4th Sundays of the month. All materials are provided to conduct this ministry. Parishioners are invited to become Children’s Liturgy of the Word Leaders or Helpers.
Children’s Mass
The 5.30pm Sunday Mass on the 3rd Sunday of each month, is a Mass particularly for children, although all ages attend. At this Mass children take a very active role by reading, singing, taking up the collection and bringing up the offertory. The homily is directed at primary schooler’s understanding.
The 5.30pm Sunday Mass on the 3rd Sunday of each month, is a Mass particularly for children, although all ages attend. At this Mass children take a very active role by reading, singing, taking up the collection and bringing up the offertory. The homily is directed at primary schooler’s understanding.
Collections are conducted at our Sunday Masses each week. In Our Lady of Graces Parish, we have two collections, the first after the homily and the second at the Preparation of the Gifts. To ensure these collections are conducted smoothly, Collectors assist with the passing of baskets around in a nominated area of the church.
Collections are conducted at our Sunday Masses each week. In Our Lady of Graces Parish, we have two collections, the first after the homily and the second at the Preparation of the Gifts. To ensure these collections are conducted smoothly, Collectors assist with the passing of baskets around in a nominated area of the church.
Cuppa & Chat
Hospitality is provided after the Sunday 9am Mass each week. This gives people a chance to catch up with each other and to meet new parishioners. We are always looking for more parishioners in helping provide hospitability after Mass through setting up / packing up, serving or providing something to eat.
Hospitality is provided after the Sunday 9am Mass each week. This gives people a chance to catch up with each other and to meet new parishioners. We are always looking for more parishioners in helping provide hospitability after Mass through setting up / packing up, serving or providing something to eat.
Data Projector Operators (DPOs)
The Data Projector Operators ministry involves running the Data Projectors at Sunday Masses. This include running the powerpoint slides which contains the hymns and responses, playing of recorded music when musicians and singers are unavailable, and playing of videos.
The Data Projector Operators ministry involves running the Data Projectors at Sunday Masses. This include running the powerpoint slides which contains the hymns and responses, playing of recorded music when musicians and singers are unavailable, and playing of videos.
Extra-ordinary Ministers of Communion
Extra-ordinary Ministers of Communion are parishioners commissioned to assist in the distribution Holy Communion during Mass so that it flows smoothly and is completed within a reasonable amount of time. A person in this role is called an Extra-ordinary Minister of Communion because priests or deacons are ‘Ordinary’ Ministers of Communion and the priest is the only ‘Minister of the Eucharist’.
Extra-ordinary Ministers of Communion are parishioners commissioned to assist in the distribution Holy Communion during Mass so that it flows smoothly and is completed within a reasonable amount of time. A person in this role is called an Extra-ordinary Minister of Communion because priests or deacons are ‘Ordinary’ Ministers of Communion and the priest is the only ‘Minister of the Eucharist’.
Liturgical Environment
The liturgy environment ministry brings warmth to the church through the use of flowers and symbols appropriate to the liturgical season.
The liturgy environment ministry brings warmth to the church through the use of flowers and symbols appropriate to the liturgical season.
Mass Co-ordinator
The Mass Co-ordinator role is to look after setting up the altar for Mass and clearing away after Mass. They also ensure that all ministers are present.
The Mass Co-ordinator role is to look after setting up the altar for Mass and clearing away after Mass. They also ensure that all ministers are present.
Ministers of the Word / Readers
Ministers of the Word proclaim the readings at Mass. They also formally welcome the gathered congregation prior to the start of Mass and lead the intercessions in the Prayer of the Faithful. In preparation to proclaim the readings at Mass, rostered ministers are required to prepare by using the book Break Open the Word. This book provides an exact copy of the Sunday readings in the lectionary. Break Open the Word is available for purchase through the Parish Office.
Ministers of the Word proclaim the readings at Mass. They also formally welcome the gathered congregation prior to the start of Mass and lead the intercessions in the Prayer of the Faithful. In preparation to proclaim the readings at Mass, rostered ministers are required to prepare by using the book Break Open the Word. This book provides an exact copy of the Sunday readings in the lectionary. Break Open the Word is available for purchase through the Parish Office.
The Music ministry assists the prayer of liturgical celebration by leading the music at Sunday Masses, Funerals, Weddings, as well as Sacraments and special Masses. Music is usually led by a pianist or guitarist and a cantor or a small group of singers.
The Music ministry assists the prayer of liturgical celebration by leading the music at Sunday Masses, Funerals, Weddings, as well as Sacraments and special Masses. Music is usually led by a pianist or guitarist and a cantor or a small group of singers.
Welcomers are parishioners who provide a smile and hello at the doors to the church as people arrive for Masses and Liturgies and answer any questions. At our Sunday Masses, they also hand out Spread the Word which is our parish newsletter.
Welcomers are parishioners who provide a smile and hello at the doors to the church as people arrive for Masses and Liturgies and answer any questions. At our Sunday Masses, they also hand out Spread the Word which is our parish newsletter.