Welcome...Welcome to the website of Our Lady of Graces Catholic Parish, Carina.
Our Lady of Graces has been a Dominican Parish for 71 years, staffed by a community of Dominican Friars. We belong to one of the older religious orders in the Church, founded by St Dominic in the early years of the 13th century. Dominic wanted to help people towards a deeper relationship with God through a better understanding of what God has revealed to us about himself and about what God has made possible for us. If you are considering joining our parish community, contact the parish office, and we will do our best to make you feel ‘at home.’ Fr Alex Vickers O.P. Parish Priest |
Sunday Mass Times |
The community of Our Lady of Graces acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the land on which our parish stands.
Community News
Sacramental Program 2025
Penance (Year 5 / 10 years old) Penance Session 1
Confirmation (Year 3 / 8 years old) Enrolment forms are available from the Parish Office for the Sacrament of Confirmation in 2025. The Confirmation Parent Information Meeting will be held on Tuesday 18 February, 7.00pm, in the Church. Enrolments close on Friday 21 February at 12 noon. ![]() Signup to FLOCKNOTE!
Signup! Parishioners and visitors are invited to sign-up to Flocknote, our communication and engagement tool. Our Parish, together with all parishes in the Archdiocese of Brisbane, has officially adopted Flocknote as a safe, new, and improved way of communicating. Flocknote is free for parishioners and visitors to use, and there is no need to download anything. Your information is kept secure and private. It only takes a couple minutes to sign up to receive emails from the parish. You are even able to reply directly back to those emails so we can receive feedback and hear from you. Parishioners and visitors are invited to sign-up and register with the parish by using the following link https://carinacatholic.flocknote.com/register |
LOOKING AHEAD Friday 7 February - 7.00pm 500 Card Group – Aquinas Room Saturday 8 February - 10.00am RAP Around the Ridges – Library Sunday 9 February Cuppa n Chat after 7.00am and 9.00am Masses - 9.00am Children’s Liturgy of the Word – Library - 2.00pm Penance Session 1 – Church Monday 10 February - 7.00pm Italian Prayer Group – Church Tuesday 11 February - 9.00am Japanese Language Playgroup – Hospitality Area - 11.00am Funeral: Dan Roche – Church - 4.00pm Penance Session 1 – Church - 7.00pm St Vincent de Paul – Aquinas Room Wednesday 12 February - 9.45am Novena: OLPH – Church - 6.00pm OLOG Diners – Pacific Golf Club - 6.30pm Legion of Mary – Library - 7.00pm RCIA – Aquinas Room - 7.30pm Feast of St Gabriel Triduum – Church Thursday 13 February - 10.30am Funeral: Alexander Zerafa – Church - 7.30pm Feast of St Gabriel Triduum – Church Friday 14 February - 7.30pm Feast of St Gabriel Triduum – Church Saturday 15 February - 3.00pm Dominican Laity – Library Sunday 16 February Cuppa n Chat after 9.00am Mass - 10.30am Feast of St Gabriel Mass – Church - 5.30pm Kids’ Mass – Church |