Children & Youth
Alpha Youth - click here
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Children's Liturgy of the Word is available for primary aged children to break open God's Word together at a language level appropriate to them. It is currently held at the 9am Mass on every 2nd & 4th Sundays of the Month during School Term.
Children's Liturgy of the Word is available for primary aged children to break open God's Word together at a language level appropriate to them. It is currently held at the 9am Mass on every 2nd & 4th Sundays of the Month during School Term.
Children’s Mass
The 5.30pm Sunday Mass on the 3rd Sunday of each month, is a Mass particularly for children, although all ages attend. At this Mass children take a very active role by reading, singing, taking up the collection and bringing up the offertory. The homily is directed at primary schooler’s understanding.
The 5.30pm Sunday Mass on the 3rd Sunday of each month, is a Mass particularly for children, although all ages attend. At this Mass children take a very active role by reading, singing, taking up the collection and bringing up the offertory. The homily is directed at primary schooler’s understanding.
Sacramental Program - click here
Schools & College - click here