Welcome...Welcome to the website of Our Lady of Graces Catholic Parish, Carina. I hope you find our website useful, with answers to any questions you may have. Please feel free to ring the parish office if there is anything further we may be able to do for you.
Since its very beginning, just over 50 years ago, Our Lady of Graces has been a Dominican parish, staffed by a community of Dominican friars. We belong to one of the older religious orders in the Church, founded by St Dominic in the early years of the 13th century. Dominic wanted to help people towards a deeper relationship with God through a better understanding of what God has revealed to us about himself and about what God has made possible for us. Whether you are already one of our parishioners or not, we would welcome any ideas about how we could improve this website. If you are considering joining our parish community, we ask you to fill in the folder for new parishioners at the back of the church, and we will do our best to make you feel ‘at home.’ Fr Alex Vickers O.P. Parish Priest |
Sunday Mass Times
The Masses below are currently suspended until further notice.
Saturday: 6pm Sunday: 7am, 9am, 10.30am (Italian), 5.30pm Children's Liturgy during 9am Sunday Mass 1st, 2nd and 4th Sundays of month during school terms. Children's Mass 5.30pm 3rd Sunday of each month. A Mass for children in Primary School age group. click here for other Mass & Liturgy times |
Community News
Our Lady of Graces Facebook Page
Please go and like our new Facebook page by clicking here. Masses will be live streamed from Our Lady of Graces Church everyday at 7am. Please note that you don't have to be a member of Facebook to view our content. The Facebook feed appears at the top of this homepage next to our Welcome message. Simply scroll through until you see the Mass you want to view and click on the Play icon. Spread the Word: Sunday 5 April
Click here for a copy of Spread the Word for Sunday 5 April. If you know of anyone without internet access, please advise them that a limited number of hard copies are available from the box located outside the front door of the church. Family Prayer (Sunday 5 April): Click here Sunday Readings (Sunday 5 April): Click here Parish Office is OPEN
At present, the parish office is still open at its usual hours: - Monday 8.30am - 12.30pm - Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 8.30am - 3.30pm - Friday 8.30am - 12.30pm Please note that the parish office will be closed on Good Friday & Easter Monday for the public holidays. Resources for Holy Week
Please find below links to a series of leaflets, prepared by Liturgy Brisbane, for parishioners to use in their homes during the days of Holy Week and the Sacred Paschal Triduum. Earlier next week (week of Monday 30 March), a limited number of hard copies will be available from the box located outside the front door of the church. Palm Sunday The End of Lent Holy Thursday Good Friday Easter Sunday IMPORTANT UPDATE: MONDAY 23 MARCH 2020
Click here for a letter from Archbishop Mark Coleridge to the Pastors and People of the Archdiocese of Brisbane. Saturday Evening and Sunday Masses
Saturday 6pm, Sunday 7am, 9am, 10.30am [Italian] & 5.30pm Masses are suspended with immediate effect and until further notice. All the faithful are dispensed from the Sunday obligation. Weekday and Saturday Morning Masses 6.30am & 9.00am Masses Monday-Friday, and Saturday 8.00am are suspended with immediate effect and until further notice. Reconciliation The Sacrament of Reconciliation should not be celebrated until further notice. Mass on Demand / Live-Streamed from the Cathedral of St Stephen
People able to follow Masses live-streamed from the Cathedral at www.archbne.org/bzw on Sundays and weekdays. |